Wednesday, 30 September 2015

P - T Extinction

Are the Siberian traps one of Earths biggest killers?

The end Permian or Permian-Triassic mass extinction around 252mya, is marked by distinct losses of biodiversity in both terrestrial and marine realms.  An estimated 52% of all families went extinct, with 96% of all marine species and 70% of all terrestrial species such as insects; plants and vertebrates vanished in a geological instant. The marine realm had significant loss of suspension feeders and carnivores (bryozoan, crinoids, brachiopods and foraminifera) and almost all the reef dwellers. It remains the largest mass extinction event recorded in Earths history. Much like the Cambrian explosion the Permian-Triassic (P-T) mass extinction is still being debated today as there is still not one universally excepted hypothesis.

There is evidence that a negative stable carbon isotope excursion of 3‰ - 6 was roughly synchronous with the mass extinction suggesting a major shift in the global carbon cycle. Proposed mechanisms of this excursion include the reduction of primary productivity, oxidation of sedimentary organic matter, volcanic degassing, burning of forests, outbursts of methane from methane hydrates or a combination of all these processes. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and has a long average lifetime in the atmosphere, it has the ability to accumulate over periods of time and increase the average global temperature as it absorbs long wave radiation. Nonetheless, this carbon isotope shift is indicative of either a global drop in photosynthesis or global warming, or even both. A drop in photosynthesis expresses a lack of carbon fixation by plants and a disruption to the biosphere. This is exhibited by the lack of coal beds for around 6mya afterward. Ultimately less carbon dioxide was extracted from the atmosphere causing further increases in the global temperature. But what could cause a drop in photosynthesis?

Carbon excursion on the P-Tr boundary

All organisms have a tolerance to certain environmental conditions they are able to live in. Abiotic factors such as temperature, salinity, nutrient input, soil, precipitation and in particular sunlight availability for photosynthetic organisms, affect whether an organism will be able to survive in an environment. A drop in photosynthesis across the P-T boundary demonstrates that the abiotic environment has undergone changes, which have resulted in the significant loss of photosynthesizing organisms. It could have been changes that the organisms were intolerant to e.g. high temperatures or less light may have been penetrating to the surface because of volcanic emissions. This drop in primary productivity in the biosphere means animals higher up the food chain become susceptible to changes in the food supply as the number of phytoplankton and land plants decrease.

In conjunction with the increase in CO2 and drop in photosynthesis there is also evidence for abnormally high ocean and air temperatures, ocean acidification and widespread ocean anoxia. These changes can come in association with the rapid addition of greenhouse gases. So what could cause a rapid addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere over a short geological time period?

Links between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere showing ocean acidification

It is a known fact that there is a strong correlation between continental flood basalts and mass extinctions. Three of the largest mass extinctions recorded in Earth’s history strangely coincide with large outpourings of basaltic magma in a continental flood basalt regime (CFB). The Permian-Triassic extinction was synchronous with the Siberian Traps, the Triassic-Jurassic extinction with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction with the Deccan Traps. Is this pure chance?

Paleogeography of the end-Permian

The eruption of the Siberian Traps is associated with or possibly promoted by rifting (east-west extension) of the West Siberian Basin during the Permian-Early Triassic. The magma is thought to be associated with a hot mantle plume and the decompression melting that occurs as you decrease the lithostatic load over an area during a rifting event. Eruptions of the Siberian Traps began roughly 300,000 years before the P-T boundary and occurred during and after the mass extinction. Enough magma was erupted to cover an area the size of the United States with magma kilometres thick. Approximately two-thirds of this magma erupted during and prior to the P-T boundary with the remainder erupting during the following 500,000 years. Radiometric dating suggests the eruptions continued for around 1mya, which fits the hypothesis of rapid addition of greenhouse gases to our atmosphere. Because as magma erupts it brings to the surface gases that are incompatible with silicate minerals e.g. CO2and H2O, so they get released into the atmosphere. Extensive volcanism over a short period could therefore explain the CO2 excursions. The rising of magma could also have induced the release of methane from methane hydrates or the evoking of polar gas hydrate release in permafrost regions due to earth warming. 

The eruption of the Siberian Traps and release of a high volume of greenhouse gases is thought to have had runoff effects in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and the biosphere. The uptake of atmospheric greenhouse gases CO2 causes ocean acidification and the amount of CO2 has particular controls on whether calcite will be precipitated or dissolved.

Equilibrium equation for the precipitation and dissolution of calcite or aragonite

The addition of CH4 and CO2 also produces acid rain when it reacts with water.  The warmer temperatures accelerate the hydrological cycle, which causes a greater amount of corrosion on land and nutrient runoff into surrounding shallow waters. Sufficient nutrient input causes primary production in the photic zone to increase. As the primary producers die and fall to the bottom of the ocean, bacteria begin to deplete available oxygen as they decompose organic material. Over time this leads to the formation of an oxygen minimum zone and anoxic deeper waters. Its likely that ocean warming weakened the thermal gradient within oceans leading to a more stratified ocean which further accentuated the absence of oxygen in deeper waters due to a lack of overturning. Ocean warming makes it easier to achieve anoxic states because warm water has a lower capacity to hold dissolved oxygen. During an anoxic event, if certain bacteria are consuming organic matter in the absence of oxygen they produce a toxic gas H2S (hydrogen sulphide). In certain concentrations most organisms can tolerate small quantities of H2S but if concentrations pass a certain threshold then it becomes toxic. It is suggested by some that the widespread anoxia caused immense volumes of H2S gas to bubble out of the ocean and contribute to the Permian-Triassic extinction.

Current understandings of ecosystems proves that a lot of organisms can’t adapt quickly enough to severe shifts in environmental conditions. And if they do organisms can only withstand a certain threshold when eventually conditions become unliveable or toxic. The simultaneous episodes of mass extinction and global warming during the end-Permian give strong evidence to the collapse of both marine and terrestrial ecosystems being somewhat associated with the carbon excursion. The producer of greenhouse gases in the end-Permian must have had the ability to produce copious volumes of CH4 and in particular CO2. The Siberian Traps most likely had the capacity to do that. Other hypothesis swaying from the Siberian Traps include the assemblage of the supercontinent Pangaea. It’s thought that a multitude of shallow marine basins, which was the dominant habitat for most marine invertebrates, were destroyed when the continents moved together and as this was happening ocean currents were channeled and deflected. Thus changing the ocean circulation and therefore regional climate systems. This altered the net primary production occurring on earth and generated a carbon excursion. Another hypothesis dismisses the volcanogenic gas release and identifies the trigger as the end-Permian mantle plume. Suggesting that as it rose due to rifting and decompression melting, it heated sediments and methane hydrates under Siberia, which invoked the release of methane gas.

Both these alternative hypothesis however still support the idea tectonics could be an instigator in the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. The eruption of the Siberian traps gives evidence of the complex relationships between Earth’s spheres (in this case: atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere). In this case the geosphere (eruptions) warmed the atmosphere, this affected the hydrosphere and the biosphere by warming, increased acidic rain and ocean warming leading to anoxia. This then linked back to the atmosphere as the lack of photosynthesises meant lower amounts of carbon extracted from the atmosphere and further warming. It proves tectonic process’ may have bigger implications on life than we previously thought, because potentially in this case they have not created life but destroyed it.

The only question left on our minds now is, if without the tectonics rifting apart the West Siberian Basin, would there have ever been an event or a process that had the capability of producing enough greenhouse gases to promote the cascading collapse of entire ecosystems. Would the end-Permian mass extinction ever have occurred if tectonics didn’t instigate volcanic activity?

Josephine Turnbull

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